Malcolm in the Middle Wiki

Francis Escapes is the seventh episode of Season 1 of Malcolm in the Middle and the seventh episode overall of the show.


Malcolm's older brother, Francis, escapes from his Military school and comes back home to see his girlfriend, Beebee.


In the cold opening, Malcolm, Reese and Dewey are quietly sleeping, when Lois rips open the curtains causing them to cry out as the sunlight blinds them. She grabs their sheets and tells them breakfast will be off the table in five minutes. Malcolm says he knows a boy whose mother who wakes him up with a kiss on the forehead.

At breakfast, Malcolm says he's been up for half an hour and had his cereal so it is now time for his mom to ask him the same question she asks him every day, "what are you doing in your genius class today?". Malcolm claims that it's no different from regular classes except now he is ostracized for it, Lois only sees it as an opportunity since his vocabulary is expanding. While Hal is flipping through the mail Lois is ecstatic that Francis has charged $210 in phone charges for their bill, all of them calling his girlfriend Beebee. Hal attempts to make Lois understand how Francis feels since he is off at military school all by himself and he feels lonely so he calls his little girlfriend. Lois reminds Hal that Beebee is nothing more than a tramp and thought that Hal changed their code number. Hal has changed their number three times already and has no idea how he's getting it. Unbeknownst to them Malcolm has been informing Francis of their new codes and that he was already taking money out of his moms wallet anyway. Lois claims Francis is doing it just to upset her, Hal states Francis is 16 and thinks he's in love and wonders what she can do. Malcolm knows that after asking her that question Francis is in deep trouble.

At Marlin Academy, Francis calls Beebee and tells her how much he misses her and thinks about being with her and holding her in a perfect golden moment. Beebee listens to his words but she pays no attention to Francis whatsoever. Francis asks if she is watching "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" but Beebee states that she can do both and she thinks of things like that too but it's not the kind of thing you can discuss over the phone and she'd have to show him. Francis believes if she tells him he could better understand it. Before she can explain further, Stanley hangs up the phone and informs Francis that Commanant Spangler has revoked his phone privileges for a month due to his mother complaining about the bills. Francis attempts to explain but Stanley reminds him of the thumb thing and how he doesn't want him to use it on him.

Francis calls home using a payphone and asks Malcolm to swipe Lois' credit card and buy him a cell phone with an unlimited plan and then FedEx it to him. But Malcolm says he can't do anything since Lois is on the warpath about the phone calls and her radar is up. Francis sees Stanley down the hallway staring at him in disapproval and realizes he's going to use the thumb thing on him whilst Malcolm states that he'll just have to live without calling Beebee all the time. Francis is heard grunting in pain as the line goes dead. Malcolm hangs up the phone and says that Francis has to understand how the situation is out of his control.

Francis decides to escape from school and hitchhike back home while narrating to Beebee he is becoming a new person more bolder and determined than ever as he attempts to get home by almost being run over trying to hitchhike, steering the car of a driver falling asleep and riding with horses in a horse trailer. He narrates to Beebee he flies to her on angels wings, knowing he follows the mandate of his heart.

At night, Dewey wakes up screaming after having a nightmare about a monster under the bed that Malcolm and Reese made up to scare him who are now starting to regret it. Lois comes into the room to comfort Dewey after he tells her the monster tried to suck his brain out. Lois tells his older brothers they are banned from Nintendo for terrifying Dewey, until Reese reminds her they're already banned from Nintendo. Malcolm states the sad thing is Reese thinks he just outsmarted his mother. Lois retaliates by taking away Reese and Malcolm's pillows for the night and further states that she is not getting up again and tells Dewey if the monster tries to suck out his brain again to let him take it and go back to sleep. Malcolm attempts using a stuffed toy dog as a pillow but it has a voice box inside it that repeatedly says "I love you" throughout the night leading Malcolm to aggressively throw it out with the garbage the next morning. He then sees an arrow of rocks pointing into the thicket behind the backyard fence after following it to a clearing where he meets with Francis who has escaped from school, he panics and lashes out at him who isn't pleased at accidentally hitting him in his privates.

Malcolm ask Francis what he is doing, Francis explains he just came home to pick up Beebee before they run off for Canada. Malcolm questions if he's gonna go visit their grandma, but Francis states they're going to a different part of Canada where people don't have to destroy love just because they don't understand it. Malcolm reminds him that he's run away from school and how their mother will kill him. Francis says she won't kill him because she won't know he's gone and convinces Malcolm to help him by keeping his secret and giving some instructions and a letter to Beebee and to get him some food because he hasn't eaten in 36 hours. Malcolm tells him his plan seems pretty drastic even for his usual standards. Francis nails down that he no longer has time for doubt and that the die has been cast in his future is set and asks if he can trust Malcolm to keep his secret, Malcolm reluctantly agrees and promises to toss his lunch bag over the fence before school so he can eat.

At school, a hungry Malcolm asks Stevie if he could share his sandwich at lunch but Stevie says it's a prescription sandwich. Malcolm says that's not even a good excuse and if he doesn't want to share just say so. Stevie says that and suggests they play Ironside but Malcolm refuses. Stevie asks why he’s acting so hostile. Malcolm explains his problem with Francis and is unsure of what to do. Stevie suggests squealing on him but Malcolm tells him he promised not to tell anyone, Stevie reminds him how he just told him but Malcolm knows by the time Stevie tells anyone he'll be a thousand miles away. Stevie responds with "Touché".

Malcolm meets Beebee at a convenience store where she is stealing things off the shelves by shoving them in her pockets. Beebee recognizes him but doesn’t remember his name despite meeting him close to ten times. She does remember how he’s a “freaky little brain” before shoving more items into her pants. Malcolm explains to her that Francis is back home but in hiding and gives her Francis' letter which she finds hard to understand with words like “assignation”, “rendezvous” and “tryst” and how the hell anyone can understand it. Malcolm explains to meet him at the creek that night at 7:30. Beebee is in disbelief that Malcolm can understand Francis’ complex words in English despite the fact that he’s “like 10”. Beebee agrees before shoving things into Malcolm’s shirt since she's wearing a tank top and to just be quiet and walk out of the store. While walking past the cashier, Malcolm says the worst thing is that he thinks he's helping her steal panty liners.

That evening, while the family is eating dinner, Lois tells what a good day she had at work by getting to work the cash only register for the first time in a month and her register came out to the penny and that the stores creepy new assistant manager sliced his hand with a boxcutter and spent the afternoon in the emergency room. Hal comments on how delicious the chicken she made is and she thanks him and that she used Shake n’ Bake but for pork, Hal decides to call it “Chork” and the boys vote in favour of it over “Picken”. Lois thanks Hal for his compliment and calls him a big talker enamouring Hal. Dewey asks his dad if eating the chork will make him taste better for the monster, Hal says it will while still distracted over Lois’ words making Dewey stop eating. Reese tries taking some food off of Malcolm’s plate but he catches him and tells him he’s saving it. Reese argues that there is no saving, Hal agrees with Reese and informs Malcolm that the house rules are no saving. Malcolm licks his hands and puts them on his food but Reese is indifferent and starts scuffling with Malcolm. The phone rings and Lois answers, Hal tells the boys to stop fighting because it will get their mom out of her romantic mood before correcting himself saying they’ll ruin her nice day, but Lois exclaims in shock that Francis has escaped from school, Hal realizes they'll be spending another night in the chat room.

Lois decides to call the police but Hal reminds her they won't look for anyone until they've been missing for 48 hours, Lois claims they will if she tells them he's carrying drugs. Hal stops her before she goes too far and that Francis will have to sink or swim on his own and in the meantime they'll have to leave it up to fate. Lois says that fate is what you call it when you don’t know the name of the person screwing you over. Malcolm assures his mom that Francis is okay, before realizing he should’ve phrased it differently. Hal is curious and questions him reminding him what a serious situation it is. Fed up with his stalling, Lois orders Malcolm to tell her what he knows; Malcolm squeals under pressure that Francis came to see Beebee and he's meeting her tonight questioning how she did that. Malcolm tries to avoid eye contact with her but she forces him to look at her and he squeals about Francis further and that Dewey shoved a sandwich in the VCR. Lois asks him where Francis is, Malcolm tries to brainstorm a diversion by saying that Francis is meeting Beebee at Delancey Park near the soccer field. Lois says they'll have to wait and see what's in store for Francis.

Malcolm goes into the thicket and confesses to Francis that he ratted him out. Francis is furious that Malcolm betrayed his trust, Malcolm tries explaining how Lois used her eyes to force him to confess but Francis isn’t having it. Malcolm tells him that he sent her to the park and he has an hour to get away before she returns and kills him. But Francis refuses to leave since Beebee is coming, Malcolm is in disbelief and demands that Francis explain why he is getting in so much trouble for Beebee who is nothing more than an unfriendly, unintelligent thief who treats him like crap. Francis is aware of how she treats him and informs his little brother that he loves Beebee because no one else has ever loved her and once she sees that everything will change, Malcolm had thought he'd have something better, Francis states Malcolm will understand when he's older and to leave him alone. When Dewey overhears Malcolm and Francis talking in the backyard, Malcolm convinces him that the monster under his bed is a Sasquatch and he hunts in the thicket over the fence during the day and he was throwing him raw meat so he'd leave them alone tonight but is unsure if he gave him enough so he advises Dewey to be quiet and stay out of there to scare him away from the thicket.

Lois drives to Delancey Park to find Francis and when her car starts sputtering she orders it to move which it does as she continues on.

When Beebee enters the thicket calling for Francis, he tells her not to look at him because he’s hideous. Francis says it’s alright now that they have each other and professes his love to her how she looks as beautiful as an angel or a perfect dawn. But Beebee tells Francis she thinks it’d be best if they didn’t see each other anymore. He at first denies it until she asks if he heard her. He demands an explanation for it. Beebee reveals that although Francis is a nice guy and what he wrote was sweet it feels different now and realizes she wasn't attracted to Francis at all because he's too emotional over something that doesn't exist to her world. Beebee claims she just liked the long distance relationship because of him calling her and making her feel good without her having to do anything. Francis begs her to reconsider but Beebee tells him that she thinks it's better that they end their relationship now before somebody gets hurt, apologizing once more before walking away. Francis is left humiliated and stupefied by Beebee's confession, and all of his hopelessly romantic antics had not succeeded on her. As he lays crying and howling in the dirt, Dewey overhears the moaning and, thinking that it is Sasquatch, throws rocks at him.

Lois goes on the wild goose chase for Francis and ends up accosting several other horny teenagers making out in the park about love and their stupid behavior. She approaches one couple and asks if they know how irresponsible they’re being. The boy says that he brought a condom, but Lois says she’s not talking about that but shame on him anyway. The girl asks if they know her. Lois tells her they don’t but she knows her, she’s young and pretty and likes to get 16-year-old boys so twisted up they don’t know what they’re thinking, and that in her mind it’s all for fun and when she moves on she doesn’t care about how bad she hurts the boy. She informs her that hearts are precious things and she should be careful about how she handles them. Lois then sees another couple and approaches them, intending to give them the exact same speech.

Later on, Malcolm is sitting at the dinner table snacking on crackers while Dewey tells a story about how he threw rocks at the monster, killed him and then he started flying around on rocket boots and he got to ride inside his head and now their friends and they went to get Slurpee's together. Reese is certain he's lying but Hal informs him if that's what Dewey said happened there's no sense in arguing about it. Reese says no one believed him when he said he beat the last level of Mortal Kombat. Hal states that the thought is ridiculous since Sub-Zero is unbeatable.

Malcolm then he goes to his bedroom and sees Francis standing their in the doorway cleaning off and explaining that Beebee broke up with him, Malcolm asks if he's okay with Francis reassuring him he's at peace with it since he's aware of when you sign up to be in relationships with women you learn to expect the occasional flaming wipeout. Francis tells Malcolm he's going back to school now and since he only missed one day he shouldn't receive too harsh of a punishment and he might check out a group of farm girls who hang out near the gate. He packs his bag and says goodbye to his brother but Malcolm still feels guilty about ratting him out and wants some form of retaliation. Francis lightly hits his shoulder but psyches him out before hitting him harder as he hops out of the window.

Francis walks down the street when a car pulls up behind him to offer him a ride. It turns out to be his father Hal, who found him on the street only because of Malcolm ratting him out once again informing Francis he should rethink trusting Malcolm with keeping secrets. Hal is sympathetic with Francis as he asks how mad his mom is, he tells him that they will call Lois after they put a few states behind them. Francis asks his dad if it ever gets easier but Hal has no idea since he claims he's never been dumped before.


  • Bee Bee implies that she's watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer.
  • Hal and Reese discuss the game Mortal Kombat, and how it's hard to beat the last level.
  • The shop where Malcolm meets Bee Bee and where she steals some items is the Village Market on 11653 Moorpark St, North Hollywood, CA 91602.[1]
  • The park where Lois confronts young couples is Woodbridge Park on 11240 Moorpark St, Studio City, CA 91602.[1] This location would later be reused in Forbidden Girlfriend.
  • Francis and Malcolm mention their grandma before she makes her first on-screen appearance in The Grandparents.
  • This episode was the second to be filmed in production order.
  • Francis mentions the farm girls as seen in the later episode Dinner Out.
  • Originally, Melody Perkins was supposed to return as Beebee and play a dual role as her twin sister, Patty. She warns a visiting Francis to leave and return to Marlin at once because Beebee has been cheating on him for a while with Richie. He ignored the warning and later regretted it when he learned that Patty was telling the truth too late. After dumping Beebee for her disloyalty, he confronts Richie for the deed and leaves for Marlin. The revelation as twins was later dropped after they replaced Perkins as Beebee with Lauren Hodges.


  • While Lois was trying to get information out of Malcolm about Francis, you can see one of the hanging yellow coffee cups in the background on the left is gone, yet in the next shot it was back.
  • During Hal and Reese's conversation about Mortal Kombat, they say that the final boss is Sub-Zero, when the real final boss is Shang Tsung.
  • Hal tells Francis that he's never been dumped before. However, in the episode Family Reunion, he implies that he has been dumped, when he tells his father that "He was never there for him when he got dumped." The first claim may have been a lie because he didn't want to have Francis see him as weak.
    • If he had mentioned about his previous high school sweetheart dumping him earlier, Francis would've been more understanding of Hal's position.


Malcolm in the Middle episodes
Season 1 PilotRed DressHome Alone 4ShameMalcolm BabysitsSleepoverFrancis EscapesKrelboyne PicnicLois VS EvilStock Car RacesFuneralCheerleaderRollerskatesThe Bots and the BeesSmundayWater Park
Season 2 Traffic JamHalloween ApproximatelyLois' BirthdayDinner OutCasinoConventionRobberyTherapyHigh School PlayBullyOld Mrs. OldKrelboyne GirlNew NeighborsHal QuitsThe GrandparentsTraffic TicketSurgeryReese CooksTutoring ReeseBowlingMalcolm vs. ReeseMini-BikeCarnivalEvacuationFlashback
Season 3 HouseboatEmancipationBook ClubMalcolm's GirlfriendCharityHealth ScareChristmasPokerReese's JobLois' MakeoverCompany Picnic (1)Company Picnic (2)Reese DrivesCynthia's BackHal's BirthdayHal CoachesDewey's DogPoker 2Clip ShowJury DutyCliquesMonkey
Season 4 ZooHumilithonFamily ReunionStupid GirlForwards BackwardsForbidden GirlfriendMalcolm Holds His TongueBoys At RanchGrandma SuesIf Boys Were GirlsLong DriveKicked OutStereo StoreHal's FriendGarage SaleAcademic OctathalonClip Show #2Reese's PartyFuture MalcolmBaby Part 1Baby Part 2Day Care
Season 5 VegasWatching The BabyGoodbye KittyThanksgivingMalcolm Films ReeseMalcolm's JobChristmas TreesBlock PartyDirty MagazineHot TubIda's BoyfriendSoftballLois' SisterMalcolm Dates a FamilyReese's ApartmentMalcolm Visits CollegePolly in the MiddleDewey's Special ClassExperimentVictor's Other FamilyReese Joins the Army: Part 1Reese Joins the Army: Part 2
Season 6 Reese Comes HomeBuseys Run AwayStandeePearl HarborKitty's BackHal's Christmas GiftHal SleepwalksLois Battles JamieMalcolm's CarBillboardDewey's OperaLiving WillTiki LoungeIda Loses a LegChad's SleepoverNo MotorcyclesButterfliesIda's DanceMotivational SpeakerStiltsBuseys Take A HostageMrs. Tri-County
Season 7 Burning ManHealth InsuranceReese vs. StevieHalloweenJessica Stays OverSecret BoyfriendBlackoutArmy BuddyMalcolm Defends ReeseMalcolm's MoneyBride of IdaCollege RecruitersMonoHal GrievesA.ALois Strikes BackHal's DentistBomb ShelterStevie in the HospitalCattle CourtMorpGraduation