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Lionel Herkabe, Malcolm's teacher for some time.

Mr. Lionel Herkabe, Played by Chris Eigeman was introduced as a Krelboyne teacher that replaced Caroline Miller in season 3. Despite sharing the same traits and personality as Malcolm, he hates him profundly and goes out of his way to try to kick him out of the Krelboynes. He brought in a young boy genius named Barton in the hopes of kicking him out of the class so he doesn't worry about him later on. Unfortunately, he not only proves to be helping hand to Malcolm, but also his father hated how Herkabe was treating him like a piece of glass and pulled him out of the class for him to be a normal kid.

In Academic Octathalon, both he and Lois blackmails Malcolm in joining the Octathalon with the Krelboynes. When he discovers that it's an all out cheat race, he makes everyone pay by secretly stealing the results of the Octathalon which ends predictably in disaster. This was the only time Herkabe was actually nice to Malcolm and didn't habor any antagonistic feelings for him, until he discovered exactly what Malcolm had done.

In Malcolm Defends Reese, Herkabe convinced Malcolm to fail all of his classes intentionally, on the condition that he leaves Reese alone. However, he makes a big mistake by confessing that he failed Gym and lied about not taking the class for years in order to protect his GPA award. Malcolm gets his revenge on him by telling the school principal, Mr. Hodges (Steve Vinovich) about it. The next day, Herkabe is humiliated when he loses his GPA award as his punishment for failing gym and lying about not taking the course for years. The GPA award is retuned to Edna Thornby, a blind and clubfooted woman who managed to pass gym despite her disabilites. Herkabe was last seen being humiliated by an overly excited Reese who's been tossing dodgeballs at him out of revenge for all the humiliation he's endured. After that, he was never seen again.
